Wednesday, November 15, 2006

from Beit Hanoun

My husband Khaleel is a psychologist with UNRWA. Of his work with the family that lost 20, plus so many injured and had their entire lives destroyed, here is what he had to say.

Khaleel wrote:

Yesterday, I was with the families of the martyrs who
died in Beit Hanoun and worked with the family who
lost 17 people, while they were sleeping. It was a
very sad day. But thank God, I was able to really
connect with them.

I was able to sit with and through the anger of these
young woman & men, who lost their children, brothers,
sisters, wives, fathers, and mothers. I was able to
hear and see the sadness and depth of hopelessness
that rang so true to me. I am so thankful to be here
and to be a part of some type of a 'healing process'.
However, how is one to heal when the contiuation of
violence never ceases. I write to you all, because as
Americans, we have a duty to not forget the dead
memories of these massacred people and a
responsibility to protect the living.

This should never have happened. We can argue about
perception of the problem, or solutions, and how
mistakes could happen. But this is not one mistake,
and how do you tell this to the mother who lost two
children (one blown to bits) in her arms, or a child
who sees nothing but the continuation of suffering and
violation of international laws, while being demonized
for wanting freedom. Where is the justice in this?
For the sake of the 400 Palestinians who died (0
Israelis), not just last week, or since last summer
but for an entire people in a land, whose rights,
dignity and life are being stripped away each day.
Please write to your Congress about what has been
going on here. The U.S. Veto against UN sanctions on
ending Israeli violence is a disgrace to the
democratic values that we hold so dear. This veto is
also decreasing the locus of empathy control between
the West and East.

Do not deprive more Palestinian children from their
childhood, and their rights as human beings. Look
online and get information on the issue from people
who are living it. Reach out by giving credence to
their reality. These brave souls do not need peoples
money, they do not need sympathy, they need justice
and a chance to grow old with their loved ones.

In Gaza Strip

Occupied Palestine



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