Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Top 10 reasons why you should support Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions of Israel

Top 10 reasons to support the Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions of Israel!

10) It is an Apartheid state/cultural genocide within Israel, and ethnic cleansing in the WB and Gaza!

9) The destruction of 522 Palestinian villages in 1948 to make way for the current state and,

8) 750,000 Palestinians forced to flee, now number nearly 7 mill, all waiting for their internationally recognized right to return.

7) Religious and ethnic supremacy are SO passe!

6) the Illegal, Apartheid Wall -which was ruled by the In'tl Court of Justice that it is illegal, immoral and must come DOWN!

5) Trillions of US tax dollars, loan guarantees and military aid etc., we have given to uphold the Apartheid system over the years

4) The ongoing flouting of US demands and outright refusal by every Israeli gov't to abide by international law, UN resolutions

3) The ongoing theft of Palestinian land and water for evil settlers.

2) 11,000 political prisoners locked in and tortured in Israeli jails, WITHOUT trial, held indefinitely with no hope of seeing the light of day. And the number one reason you should support BDS of Israel???

1) It is a colonial settler project - and it has failed miserably...and we see no gov't is going to do the right thing, so just as in racist South AFrica, we people of conscious MUST!!!

Too many to stop are few more in case you're still not convinced!

- The use of US weapons in the illegal Israeli occupation, and ongoing oppression of the Palestinians.

- The consistent censoring of all of these facts, and much, much more:

- The murder, and regular targeting of non-violent peace activists and leaders:

- All the women forced to give birth at Israeli checkpoints!!! This video tells the horrifying story of this pregnant woman, whose husband was shot and killed while driving her to deliver her baby, then she was stripped naked and forced to give birth at the checkpoint on the side of the road, and left in the rain!!!

If this isn't reason enough to end all support for the Israeli state and crimes against humanity...then pray tell, what is????